Saturday, July 2, 2011

2011 Continental Congress - Friday

The NSDAR Master Questionnaire is filled in by every chapter; it is the mechanism that provides reporting information for all the National Chairman at Continental Congress.

My DAR chapter, Anne Loucks submitted the master questionnaire and won several recognitions at the state (of California) level. The statistics reported here are from reports of the National Chairman - stats that I thought would be of interest to readers of the Bits n' Bytes.

(cont'd from Thursday)
15. There were 1,306 American Indian minutes read at chapter meetings.
16. Bacone College received 23,268 soup labels.
17. Chemawa Indian School received $32,091 from NSDAR for Christmas gifts.
18. Twenty DAR Medals of Honor were awarded (list will be in the proceedings from Continental Congress).
19. Ninety eight percent of chapters prepared Chapter Achievement Reports. Fifty eight percent were Level 1, thirty three percent were Level 2 and four percent were Level 3. Thirty seven chapters reported over 1,000 points.
20. Three hundred forty four Community Service certificates were presented.
21. A relamping project at DAR headquarters cost $63,000 with a 16 month payback. The project was recommended by the Conservation Committee.
22. An announcement at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway of Constitution Day on September 17, 2010 was heard by over 1,000,000 people.
23. The 225th anniversary of signing the Constitution is September 17, 2012.
24. The American Spirit magazine (an award winning publication) has a circulation of 43, 271.
25. Scholarships awarded by chapters & states totaled $716,000.
26. DAR daughters traveled 955,703 miles in service to Veterans. $1,444,389 (cash and in kind) donations from DAR daughters to Veterans.
27. Over 29,000 flag certificates were presented for proper display of the American flag.
28. NSDAR has a net gain of 1,068 members - we're growing!
29. Wikipedia entry for NSDAR will be revised to reflect "Today's DAR" instead of our past history.
30. Out of 169,800 members 97,000 have email addresses.
31. More than 620 DAR members chose to volunteer at Continental Congress.
32. DAR Project Patriot Committee celebrated their 10th anniversary.
33. DAR members on the Speakers Staff traveled 160,000 miles to present DAR programs.
34. New "years of service (10, 20, 30)" pins will be available for sale; one can be worn on the ribbon.
35. There is an "internet monitoring" committee always on the lookout for DAR insignia (pins).

Whew!! DAR members are busy contributing and serving in many, many ways. The list will continue in Saturday's post.

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